a.k.a. Mich, Clueless, Michlet
years of existence: 19 going on 20
church: St. Andrew's Cathedral
cca: now hall stuff, previously: Council! dance and touch rug
preoccupied with: praying, TALKING, reading the Bible, serving, eating, SLEEPING, blogging(not really), watching tv, watching movies, sighing, laughing, crying,
smiling, making funny faces and poses, going crazy, reading, listening to music, star-gazing, taking pictures,
dancing, playing touch rug or soccer
{my church
{my cell group
{sudden loud sounds
like thunder, fireworks, super loud dog barks,
party poppers, balloon bursts, etc.
{things like bungee jumps
{scary movies
(what can i say? i'm weak-hearted)
*Get really close to God
vanessa yeo}
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007
09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007
12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008
01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008
11/01/2008 - 12/01/2008
01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009
02/01/2009 - 03/01/2009
01/01/2010 - 02/01/2010
layout design, coding, photo-editing,
ice angel

actual image-
Friday, September 30, 2005
my b'dae is comin!!! 7 OCTOBER!!! 7 OCTOBER!!! remember to wish me kaez??? haiyaz... exams were lik todae.... n oso next wk tues, thurs, fri, d following mon, tues n wed. Sianz... exams alwaes cannot watch tv wheneva i want... cannot use com wheneva i want...
let me tell u of a story :
15 yrs ago... on 7th of October 1990... on the island of Singapore, Michelle Tan was born into this world... a world of confusion n pain... a pretty, cute baby lay quietly in the nursery in KK hospital in Singapore, wrapped in a pink towel. frightened n scared, yet it made little noise. little did it knoe of the wonders it would do in the world when it grew up...
hmm... haha!!!! i dun care abt u alreadi... so wad if u dun wanna come to tuition... hmm... okay lah... so u onli din come yesterday.... hmph... if u dun wanna tok to me den i shant b bothered wif u too... thot of putting a note in ur slipper but tt's too desperate of me... guys shld alwaes make d first move... it's better tt a guy loses his pride den a girl losing her dignity n reputation. Guys would b on the losing end if they dun even wanna ask a girl for her no. or email lah... it's really for a girl to do tt lah... aniwae... so... i was tempted to but den decided against it. aniwae there wasnt any slipper to put any note. so who cares? i give up searching friendster for u...
letting God take control. letting his will run my life. Jesus take me now i am Yours. Tell the world that Jesus lives, tell the world that, tell the world that! I dun care what ppl will say, i'm running aftr to U! I wont turn back n go their way, i'm running aftr U!
-when are you
coming back? ;
Friday, September 09, 2005

so cute!!!
-when are you
coming back? ;
Thursday, September 08, 2005
todae, i din hav to go to sch... yay! but i still woke up at lik 9am which is early... i had to go to jiaxin's house to do our geog project. i met tanya at yio chu kang mrt at abt 10.55am. i waited there since arnd 10.25am. but i guess tanya n i are even now since she waited for me d previous occasion we went to jx's house.(although she waited for me alot longer.haha) we ate instant noodles for lunch coz we sort of forgot to call jx yesterdae to tell her tt we were goin todae... we decided to do a video for our project. while i was there(coz i left early for tuition), i was made to act my scene(s). i looked retarded. haha. it was quite funny when we watched it. not long, it was nearly 3. n i had to leave for tuition. in d end, i reached my tutor's place slightly early lik mayb 5-10mins earlier than expected. den soon he came... den i had tuition... n blah blah blah... n den i walked home. so now here i am typing abt my dae. k.
-when are you
coming back? ;
Why??? Why am i so crazy abt u??? How can i kick u out of my head??? It's so weird that i dont find anything interesting abt u yet u're lik stuck inside... i desperately wanna find out abt u n tok to u but somehow u're unreachable... this feeling is crazy!!! all i knoe abt u is ur name, the colour of ur sch uniform, how ur voice sounds lik, where u go for ur maths tuition, that u actually hav to wear specs but sometimes u dont, that u apply cologne, that u spike ur hair, that u hav a billabong/ripcurl/quiksilver pair of slippers, that u're right-handed, that u didnt knoe d diff between speed and velocity, n tt mayb u're sec 3 lik me.
-when are you
coming back? ;
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Yay! Holidaes r here! Wake up l8r then usual... haha.. but oh well... there's still so much hwk n i still hav to go back to sch for 3 out of d 5 daes of holidae... haiya~ n exams r coming!!! Hmm... den y m i still here??? Hahaha... Another one of my great philosophies(below)...
Love is in the air... love is everywhere... Love (between men and women/guys and gals and not d agape love frm God or d love between parent and child) is like some sort of gas that causes funny reactions when in contact wif ppl. In some cases, the reaction can be really strong and can cause ppl to act differently. When it fades, it causes emotional, physical and mental pain to its victim. Some ppl were affected by it but somehow it wasnt infectious enough to spread to me, mayb i was immune to it... It can suddenly flow into u or slowly, overtime consume u. Usually preys on 2 at a time, yet it can also overwhelm one. Love is lik a drug... it can cure some hurts n pains but too much can harm ur body too... n it can b addictive. It causes... ppl to b high, happy, dreamy, crazy, hopeful and mayb even s2pid. Its symptoms... it causes loss of appetite, loss of hope, loss of meaning in life, anger, sadness, bitterness, agony, depression... the list goes on. It may b affecting me now... although i'm still in d early stage... i shld b able to b cured.
by michelle tan.
-when are you
coming back? ;