Still Waiting
a.k.a. Mich, Clueless, Michlet
years of existence: 19 going on 20
church: St. Andrew's Cathedral
cca: now hall stuff, previously: Council! dance and touch rug
preoccupied with: praying, TALKING, reading the Bible, serving, eating, SLEEPING, blogging(not really), watching tv, watching movies, sighing, laughing, crying,
smiling, making funny faces and poses, going crazy, reading, listening to music, star-gazing, taking pictures,
dancing, playing touch rug or soccer
{my church
{my cell group
{sudden loud sounds
like thunder, fireworks, super loud dog barks,
party poppers, balloon bursts, etc.
{things like bungee jumps
{scary movies
(what can i say? i'm weak-hearted)
*Get really close to God
vanessa yeo}
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007
09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007
12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008
01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008
11/01/2008 - 12/01/2008
01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009
02/01/2009 - 03/01/2009
01/01/2010 - 02/01/2010
layout design, coding, photo-editing,
ice angel

actual image-
Monday, May 31, 2004
Hey blog!!!(And all those readin my blog...)
Sry i've not been bloggin for some time now... Well, u see, i've been bz wif this performance i juz had yesterdae in church. Now, it's d holidaes!!! Usually i'm veri extremely happy... but for this holidae, i'm happy but not as happy as i usually am... y? u may ask.. it's coz i haf to study coz my exams r in july... yah! quite unfair rite? aiyah... i juz learnt that i shld be contented wif wad i haf. coz God provides me wif wad i haf n i shld be contented in Jesus coz i haf sufficient. I dun nid $1 million dollars...(but if anione wanna gif me than ok lah... haha, kidddin kiddin) I'll try not to feel bad abt myself coz there's nothin to feel bad abt... we shld juz be contented tt we haf perfectly fine limbs... coz some ppl dun haf limbs... we shld oso be contented tt we haf families... sure, some rn't perfect... or worse, veri imperfect, but at least we HAF families who provide... we shld be contented tt we haf food on our plates(or tt we even haf plates), clothes on our backs, frenz hu really care for us n fortunate lives in Singapore which is a veri well developed country... most important of all we shld be thankful for the love of God! Coz God chose to love imperfect, sinful creatures lik us hu alwaes take things for granted n blame everythin n are so greedy even though we do not deserve His love n mercy. He is perfect and mighty n powerful n yet he took pity on us. We shld be glad. We shld oso knoe tt He's alwaes there for us every step of d way n He is charge of our lives so we dun haf to wry abt big or small probs coz we can alwaes depend on Him n ask Him for help...
-when are you
coming back? ;
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Hey bloggie!
So sry i haf not been blogging for awhile... I haf been bz doin this s2pid science project which i'm so sick of... Now i'm in sch supposedly doin the project but since eunice is typing the love poem for the story i haf some time to blog... hehe... using sch com... later i'll be going to d sci centre for some briefing coz i haf to do volunteery work doin d holidaes... kk i blog again another time, k? cya. take care. so long. farewell. byee...
-when are you
coming back? ;
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Hello bloggie...
It's now d time for me to tell u wad happened in my so-veri sucky life. Todae was a sucky dae... As usual, i haf to go to sch... In sch todae i first had to go for some s2pid meeting regarding some s2pid idiot science centre volunteer work which i was nomintated to be d leader in-charge of the grp in our class.... I dun lik to be d leader... even though i kinda like leadin coz nobodi listens to me maybe coz i can't influence ppl tt's y i dun lik being d leader... todae we din haf PE n maths(phew) coz we had to sit for d new south wales test which i din get to finish coz no time(i left 17 qns blank)... we oso missed 15 mins of dreadful chinese... l8r we ate recess den we went back to class second last... but usually we'll go last... den we had geog... geog was so-so... usually it's quite fun... l8r we had eng... eng was so idiotic... coz s2pid shivani shouted at me n b4 tt she tried to make me top up her water bottle for her...she's so lazi... she alwaes askes ppl to do things for her lor... everytime recess ask me to buy for her drinks... last year n this year d same... onli this year she's more rude n irritating... now i'm angry wif her so i'm not tokin to her... i bet she muz be DAMN happy tt i'm not toking to her coz i dun haf to irritate her animore... she saes i irritate her alot tt was y she shouted at me... wadeva lah... now betta aniwae... i dun haf to irritate her at her party... aniwae it's her loss lah coz her b'dae's comin up n i alredi bought d present but of cos i'm not gonna gif to her... n i'm obviously not going to her dumb party... wait she sae i ruin her fun... i dun care abt her lah!!! So aftr eng we had boring science lesson... we had to draw d reflection of mirrors... hai~... oh yah... muz buy ruler n bring geog file tmr...haiya haf to miss daddy's girls todae again coz of d church practice... but nvm lah i watch next week... aniwae i'd do anithin for God... k now i muz go for my church thing... now u knoe how my day was/is... boring, s2pid, idiotic, sucky... tt's my life...
-when are you
coming back? ;
Monday, May 24, 2004
Hey bloggie!!! I'm here again... So... how r u doin, my veri veri gd fren? I dunno abt u but i'm feelin....... well, so-so... todae was ok...jealous dat my bro could go home early todae n SLP!! coz he had cross-country.... i mean it was betta den havin lessons d whole mornin long coz todae we had level camp but it was lik havin lessons when dat Joseph coach guy was tokin coz he saed he was not lecturing us but it seemed veri much lik he was... so i duno whether he really was anot... well... we had to look at dis screen high up on d wall so my ached aftr awhile... esp durin d "we were soldiers" movie... we watched d show half-way... nv get to see d fighting part... hai~... but aniwae i watch liao...hehe... n maybe i haf d dvd so can watch anitime... so... l8r we played some games... not as fun as i expected but alrite lah... but it was veri tiring lah... we had to climb up this slope called d "butterhill" which was damn slippery but we got up aniwae... den aftr d camp i had to imediately rush for dance so i din eat lunch... :( ... but if i was in d betta grp i wuldnt even nid to stayback todae coz i wuldnt haf practice this week but unfortunately i'm in d lousier team so i had to satyback todae tt's y i had to rush n tt's y i had to miss my lunch but wadeva lah... i dun care lah....
-when are you
coming back? ;
Friday, May 21, 2004
Yo, yo, yo!!!! I'm back!!! Miss me? I knoe i havent been blogging for a while since Mrs Lee's death so some ppl are complainin tt my blog is not updated... So... here i am!!! Well... I saed before tt i'll be more brief so well... yah... so... todae was... ok... we had IT which we havent finish our project but are on the verge of it. We're apparently creating this really cool ghost story book which is based on a lame character coz our book has to have somethin to do wif an element and our grp randomly picked the element barium. Now i'm the illustrator n i've drew some cool pics related to d story... Todae, we oso had chinese n started d first chapt of our 2b textbk and chinese sux man! Haiya.. Y muz we take chinese huh? Wadeva... Aiyah... my life sux in general lah! Todae was generally ok... aftr recess we kept callin wei qi her majesty coz we wanted to disturb her... we din haf lit todae coz mr chiam din come to class... mayb he nv come to sch todae lah... duno lah... den we had maths... haiya so borin ok.. congruency n similarity.. den we had eng which we spent in d library... Shiv, Parv, Van, Adz n i sat upstairs n juz tok abt ghostly encounters n our freaky dreams... haha... den l8r i ate lunch wif van ho in d hub... i ate hmm... those packet soup thingy n 2 biskits... l8r wei qi, eunice n i did our IT project... well... juz alittle of it... den eunice went to watch d bball game wif miss woo(diane)...
Shiv ... if u're readin this den stop here... dun read on...(tt's onli if u're shivani rajendran)
so... wei qi n i went to toa payoh to buy stuff... lik b'dae presents for shiv n earrings for ourselves.. hehe... well... yah den we went to mac n i bought 1 cup of vanilla coke n 1 i-scream cone... hehee... den i took d mrt home... den juz now i was watchin early edition on hallmark channel... yah so tt's todae...
-when are you
coming back? ;
Friday, May 07, 2004
Dear Mrs Lee,
I wish you were here... Everyone misses you dearly, truely. Now, without you, everyone feels so empty, so alone. Just hoping that Jesus can tell you about what we are doing for you now. Your wake is tomorrow. I'm still praying for a miracle to happen. And that is for you to wake up from your "sleep". It is not scientifically possible, but with God anything's possible. If God wishes to keep you there, then I wish you a beautiful life in heaven with God. Now I wish that I was the one who died instead of you. I wish I could be with my grandfather, younger brother and Jesus in heaven now, but since you took my place, I can't do anything. I know that where you are now is much better than this earth. So I know that you are in peace. It was so sudden when you left. One moment you were here lecturing us and the next you are gone. I will miss you alot. I will miss your devotions in the mornings, your speeches during assembly and your walking around and observing us, reminding us about our socks. I still remember the first of school last year when I was only sec 1. You said that you will make our school the best in Singapore. You also said that you missed watching students crossing the overhead bridge in the mornings durning the holidays. Now when i try to remember the time you would call a student out and scold her, I wish to cry. I remember that you told us about the story of the Good Samaritan. Even though i heard of it many times before, I listened when you spoke. You are only 57 yrs old. No one would have expected this to happen. I would think that you are the best motivater around because you always encouraged us. You did so much our school that no words can express what the whole school is feeling for you now. Many have found out about your death and express their gratitude but as students and teachers we have much grieve and sorrow in our hearts for we saw you almost everyday and you encouraged us and reached out to the students. We cry for you buckets of tears till our eyes are red and sore, our tear-wells are dry and our noses are stuffy. We REALLY miss you VERY MUCH!!! May the Lord bless you and keep you safe always. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall never perish but have eternal life." John 3.16. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1.1. "Jesus said to him,"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."" John 14.6.
-when are you
coming back? ;
Why? why did it haf to happen??? so suddenly... so abruptly...without any warning... is life like that? abrupt? sudden? she was well a couple of days ago... we will all miss her so... just thinking of her makes me wanna cry but i cant because i have cried too much this day...
death. death is a journey where one must take to move on to their next life. everyone has to. but no one wants to. even though it is sometimes good. one would have to leave this place. this earth. to another world. leaving behind his/her loved ones. leaving behind grief and pain. we came to this earth one by one. alone. met people we liked and loved. we must leave alone. one by one. just like we came. how will it feel when we die? no one knows. only the dead. but the dead cant tell us because they have long gone and began their journey. we will never know until we ourselves die. we will meet again. maybe. but for the meantime we will cry because we know we cant see our loved ones again on this earth.
Just thinking of her... remembering her face... remembering her hair... remembering her voice... remembering her walk... remembering her smile... remembering her frown... remembering the things she told us... remembering the way she motivated us... remembering her encouragement... remembering her strength... remembering the clothes she wear... remembering her lectures and wish she was still here to lecture us... remembering her scoldings and wish she was here to scold us... remembering her values... remembering her... tears... no more tears to cry... emotions harden... suddenly becomes emotionless...
Dear Mrs Lee,
Even though you won't get to see this, I will still write it anyway. Mrs Lee, you have done alot for the school and we miss you dearly. You helped to shape our school. You planned programs for us like the foundation program, overseas exchange programs to germany, australia, japan and also hong kong. You have supported the ethnic dance groups when they went to Brunei last year. You congratulated all the dance groups, band, choir, npcc, red cross, tennis, netball and badminton teams when we won competitions or just participated in them. You planned on building a running track, some basketball and tennis courts and a dance studio or performance area. You planned to promote the arts in our school. You helped us achieve the value-added award for both express and normal academic girls in the past five years. You set-up the students' suggestion scheme and built a student hub just for students. You taught us to be well-nutured women and to be caring, confident and creative. You set a very excellent example to us. You converted many non-christians and have strong christian values. You wanted to make our school the best school in Singapore. You helped our school's ranking to rise. We all respect you and wish you well. We will miss you always because you made an impact in our lives. May the Lord be you and bless you.
With lots of Love,
Michelle Tan
(a sec 2 student from your school, SMSS)
-when are you
coming back? ;